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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Penghakiman Bijaksana

"In my view the prosecution could be ruled to have made out a prima facie case against the accused when the probative value of the evidence on all the essential elements in the charge taken as a whole is such that, if unrebutted, it is sufficient to induce the court to believe in the existence of the facts pertaining to such essential elements or to consider its existence so probable that a prudent man ought to act upon the supposition that those facts existed or did happen. It is therefore wrong for a judge or magistrate to require the prosecution to prove that the accused is actually guilty beyond a reasonable doubt before calling for his defence. That requirement for ultimate decision must be postponed until the end of the trial, and to reiterate there is no duty cast on the prosecution to actually prove their case beyond reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the accused at the close of the case for the prosecution."

Keputusan kes pendakwaan terhadap Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim yang diumumkan Hakim pada 16 Mei 2011 yg lalu dipergunakan sepenuhnya oleh media khususnya media pro umno bn untuk menunjukkan Anwar bersalah walaupun belum dibuktikan bersalah. Malahan Hakim sendiri memberi alasan penghakiman yang janggal apabila membuat keputusan seolah-olah perbicaraan telah sampai peringkat akhir sedangkan ini baru peringkat prima facie.

Penghakiman yg dipetik di atas adalah penghakiman bijaksana Yang Amat Arif Hakim yg lain yg sepatutnya menjadi panduan kpd Hakim Zabidin dlm membuat penghakiman dan alasan penghakiman.
Malahan perkataan beyond reasonable doubt digunapakai pd peringkat ini bg menggambarkan Anwar bersalah walaupun pembelaan belum didengar.Inilah konspirasi politik jahat untuk menjatuhkan Anwar dan menanam semangat reformasi ke liang lahad.Walau apapun konspirasi jahat, fitnah keji dan ugutan melampau, kami tetap menyokong reformasi dan perubahan di Malaysia. Ayuh kita tumbangkan BN pd PRU13!!

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